Jan. 1
is in Hopeful Anticipation.
To all my friends in the US and Nicaragua who are about to welcome 2011, i wish you a Prosperous New Year! Prospero Año Nuevo! I am seeing 2011 and indeed it is a better place. - Gurl from the future.
Seriously wants to wear the Black Swan makeup. (makeup lng!) makeup artists?
Dolce far niente! hmmm...
Jan. 2
Disclaimer: This is not a New Year's resolution but a goal.The first quarter of 2011 is going to be "ME" time so I can love the whole world the rest of the year. *winks
Will come out of the tent and look up. God is not done with me yet and I will not limit Him with what He can do for me this year.
Jan. 3
Lord... We don't know what this future holds or this year holds but at least we know Who holds it. - Ptr. Pao
So far, there is nothing in Fringe that I haven't seen from its inspiration, The X-Files - all the conspiracies, mysteries, hoaxes and even the character flaws. However, seeing a lof of Pacey Witter in Peter Bishop is a little entertaining and how Fringe Science never fails to fascinate me.
It won't go away just because you don't like it. - The Family Guy
Jan. 5
I am not doing very well at the moment and I could probably be in one of the lowest points of my life but I worry not; Why? Because I know I am in Good Hands. :)
Jan. 7
Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.
Jan. 8
DAY TWO: I am distinctly God's.
Jan. 9
DAY THREE: I know who my Boss is.
Jan. 10
DAY FOUR: I am conquering Faith.
Jan. 11
DAY FIVE: Not without God!
Jan. 12
DAY SIX: I won't settle!
I am tearing apart and it feels like my heart's being stomped on and ripped off my chest BUT I will not settle. I will not let the Good take my eyes off the BEST.
Jan. 13
DAY SEVEN: I am choosing to serve and...hmmmm.... I can smell victory!
Jan. 14
Project Tenfold promotes 'Message Cent'. If you wish to participate, just donate your 5, 10 and 25 centavos to help prevent more homeless dogs/cats. Approach any Project Tenfold official and/or member to get your own Message Cent coin bottle to fill. We need to raise a minimum of P4000 or or before April 15, 2011. This project is in cooperation with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society.
Jan. 15
Your face is downcast because you are not right with God. Get right vertically and horizontally things tend to take care of itself. - Ptr. Steve Murrell
Jan. 16
Is anyone of you in trouble?He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James5:13 Let us not forget God not just in our troublesome days but moreso in our happy times. Blessed Sunday!
God can do amazing things in your life that no flesh can fabricate. - Ptr. Pao
Jan. 17
WANTED: a very nice landlord/landlady who has an available, affordable, secured house or apt for rent in Mandaluyong; can accept two indoor litter-box-trained, well-vaccinated cats; REWARD: you will receive TENFOLD blessings from my Father for the rest of your existence. Pretty good deal huh?! *giggles
Jan. 18
My silence is not a sign of weakness, bitterness or non-acceptance. It is my smart way of showing my strength - something I owe myself. I don't have to accept anything because I did not ask for anything. I was the one who didn't give you a choice. Between the two of us, I am the one in control. I decide when to speak, when to stay away and when to be silent. I decide why and how. I decide. You don't get to.
Mark Zuckerberg gave me no options and left me no choice. He changed my profile settings against my will.
Jan. 19
One of my 10 faith goals has been answered right after the P&F. It was not my priority but it is God's. I know His timing is always perfect - never late never early, just right! Gloria al Dios!
Lord, am amazed by you every single day. Even if I don't know where I'm going the next days I can't take the smiles off my face. :)
Project Tenfold is happy to inform you that as of January 14th we have already collected a total of P361.16 from your centavos ! We have already distributed around 15 bottles that are currently being filled in by you and other supporters.We still have a long way to go 'till our minimum target P4000. We can do it!
FT 4th Tribe, let's kick some fraudsters' A's tonight! My cheers for y'all Watchdogs! :)
Jan. 20
“You sit around watching all this stuff happen on TV. . . and the TV sits and watches us do nothing! The TV must think we’re all pretty lame.”-Shannon Wheeler
Jan. 21
Today was a great test of faith and patience. I didn't exactly get the reward I was aiming for but I got something as equally rewarding. I was rewarded a KFC Cookies and Cream Krushers! Life has twists but it is indeed good! Thank God!
I pray that I would always find favor in the eyes of the Lord just like Joseph The Dreamer did. His story is a good ending to Genesis. I give it an A for Awesome!
Jan. 22
Craving for stapegi.
Jan. 23
It is so easy to give up but I am not.
Jan. 24
I look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet my heavenly Father feeds them. Am I not much more valuable than they?
There will always b people in our lives who will blame us 4 every single bad thing that happened & will happen in their lives;as if we hold it in our hands;as if we are responsible 4 their waking up in the morning & closing of eyes at night. If we lose focus we will turn into like them without us knowing. Know where you are & who U are in the presence of others & in the presence of God,& U will be just fine.
Reflections from Ptr. Robert Hern's preaching last Sunday: There will be moments in your life when you will be stripped off of everything - your abilities, talents, looks, treasures, relationships - and there is nothing and nowhere to stand on but the Word of God.
Jan. 25
No other place is safe except God's.
Man can do all that he can to make himself safe. He can put up walled houses, invent high-security cars, train the best guards and take alternate routes to prevent accidents and mishaps. He can do everything he can but safety and security can only be found in one place - in God's.
Jan. 26
After a jampacked Tuesday at work.
Fox: Ang gwapo nga ng bagong kapitbahay ko eh! *kilig
Bryan Kiguchi: Ay, hindi ko alam magkasama pla tayo sa isang condo?
Fox: (tumawa ng parang walang bukas) Ayun eh!
(nawala ang pagod ng lahat pati ng audience namin)
Fox: Ang gwapo nga ng bagong kapitbahay ko eh! *kilig
Bryan Kiguchi: Ay, hindi ko alam magkasama pla tayo sa isang condo?
Fox: (tumawa ng parang walang bukas) Ayun eh!
(nawala ang pagod ng lahat pati ng audience namin)
Jan. 27
My prayers of safety for you, myself, the people you love and mine as we travel to and from our destinations every single day.
Watashi wa Nihongo wo benkyoushimasu.
Jan. 28
Imma be jailbreaking a tough woman...very soon! watch out male species! ;)
Jan. 29
is HOME. God is indeed faithful!
Marked three faith goals for 2011 as "Received".
Jan. 30
Thank you Nyree Belen and Roxanne Millar for the prayers. I am sooooo loving this spiritual family. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday! *hugs
Thank you Eric Angeles, Michael Cruz and Kelvz Alonzo for all the help. You are all my heroes! *winks Group HUG!!!
I could have settled for something less, or something good, or something better. But I'm glad I didn't coz my Father only wants the BEST for me.
I can, might and will likely to give up on myself but my Father won't give up on me.
Jan. 31
Not one of all the good promises that the Lord gave me has failed.
- E N D -
This month has been good only because I know Who made it good. I have already received so much blessings and lessons that I could hold on to to move on to the next 11 months of this year.
"You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled and not one has failed." - Joshua 23:14
I wonder what the 'love' month has in store.