In April of 2009, I had a chance to stay in Baguio for more than a month for a business trip. It was my third trip to Baguio and I was determined to go to places I have not been. I prepared my list of places to visit and a whole lot of questions for my friends and colleagues. One of my classes was so nice to volunteer to tour me in one of the places I wanted to go - Camp John Hay. I have had a quick visit to CJH before but have not really toured it. My class asked if I had a list.
Oh dear, I gave them one! They were surprised to see how long my list was. Some places they were not even familiar with, on of which is the
Cemetery of Negativism.
The Cemetery of Negativism can be found inside Camp John Hay. This isn't a cemetery for humans. It is a place where you can bury your pessimism, negative thoughts and habits figuratively. It is more famously (or mistakenly) known as a cemetery for pets because of the small animal figures on most tombstones.
According to CJH's website, the
Cemetery of Negativism was conceptualized by then Base Commander Major John Hightower. It was said that this was part of his unusual and creative leadership. I have also read somewhere that there were actual sessions of burying the negativism.What caught my attention most is the first epitaph you will find upon entrance.
Negativism is man's greatest self-imposed infliction, his most limiting factor, his heaviest burden.
No more, for here is buried the world's negativism for all time.
Those who rest here have died not in vain - but for you a stern reminder.
- - - as you leave this hill remember that the rest of your life, Be more positive.
Have a good day! - Treat today like it's your last - though it's the first of the rest...
As you enter you will see more epitaphs that will provoke your thoughts. Let's look at some of them and wish that they all rest in peace:
RIP I.M.N. Only Chile |
RIP Boss Wont Lettuce |
RIP Doanna Set A. Precedent |
RIP Kantou Nuthin Wright |
Just Kant Shakit |
RIP Blame Mi Will Ya |
RIP Eye Forgot |
RIP A. Truely Miserableday |
RIP Why Didenti? |
RIP Knot A Teemplaer |
RIP Wont B. Used |
RIP Itz Not Possible |
RIP Know Dam Way |
RIP Will Not Last |
RIP Blame Mi Will Ya |
RIP Letz Study It
Did you find yourself in any of the epitaphs? You don't have to go there to bury them; you can
decide to bury them. But don't let go of a chance to go there for the experience.
This is good grieving. These are deaths that will never be in vain.
Let's free ourselves of what hinders what we can and who we can be.
May negativism rest in peace.
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