Out of the abundance of my heart, I park and ride. I want you to come away with me.
This site is where I dump all my thoughts. It is essentially divided into three categories:
- Perspective and Passion - my unsolicited opinion and random thoughts on anything and everything. You will find the values and ideas I learned from certain experiences, some tips that came with those experiences, my advocacy, the things I am passionate about (music, animal welfare, environment and nature), my faith, and wisdom from people I know or other resources.
- Places and Plates - my travel and gastronomical adventures. Please be informed, however, that these entries may will contain a big chunk of the 'perspective' as well. I believe many life lessons happen while traveling and eating.
- People - this is where I honor certain people - friends, family or even strangers. They all deserve a page on this site.

Just like the park and ride concept, I consider this site as a place. I come from somewhere and then stop for a moment, park and write, leave, and get ready for the next destination. When you visit, you do the same - you park and ride.I like the concept of stopping and moving.
There are a lot of brilliant writers and bloggers around so I am grateful that you spared me a few minutes of your time. My goal in setting this site up is to be able to influence at least ONE person. I, also, want to live forever. My testimonies will be at your fingertips even when I die. Thank God for the internet. It made my writing dream easier to reach.
My gratitude to my friend, Bryce, my blog buddy. He pushed me and helped me in setting up this site. He, also, created the blog icon.
Lastly, my life is for an audience of One.
Gloria al Dios!
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