08 August, 2012

Pray With Us

In almost all occasions, I would send a text message to officers and volunteers of The Project Tenfold Circle. We update ourselves of anything and everything through a text brigade. 

Today, as we brave the heavy rains over Luzon, I found myself not knowing how exactly to message our volunteers as I am also thinking about the safety of my family. It was particularly harder when the night struck as we don't know what can happen while it is dark. But I know there is no only One to go to for all these. 

Instead of an update, I sent this prayer to all. Please pray with us by uttering your own prayers. More than anything and anyone else, He will get us through. 


Father, we honor You even in the midst of a raging storm. You are powerful than anyone of us can imagine. You can wipe us out or anything on earth with just one word, that's how powerful You are. But You are also a merciful God. You have already saved an entire tribe because of the prayer of Your few people, that's how much You value Your people. We pray for the safety of our families, our pets, our friends and their families, our country, and ourselves. Keep us in Your merciful hands in times like these. Strengthen our faith as we look up to You and no one else. Most of all, give us Your peace and comfort that transcend all human understanding. 
We thank You because You have been keeping us and the people we hold dear, safe. Give us the courage to go through this so we can rise above it and help those in need of our help and Your help. All these we ask, in Your name...

(and everyone said, AMEN)

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