as the Owner of “Sweet Bites and Pieces”
Life is sweet and this
woman will prove it to us. It took me a long time to convince her to allow me
to 'jailbreak' her so I am thankful that she finally gave me a sweet 'yes'. Genes is more than just a pretty face. She is sweet, and "sweet" never fails
to make anyone feel good. Let's have some bites and pieces of what GENES can
offer us.
Q: I have called you a Pastry Chef, Pastry Specialist and you have always given me a shy smile. Why are you not comfortable being called as such? How do you call yourself or what you do?
A: Because I am not worthy to be called as one. I don't know, just simply 'baker', I guess.
Q: How did you learn how to bake? Did you go through a course? If yes, where at? If not, do you have plans of going through one?
A: I have no formal training. Everything was learned through books, internet and experience. The love for baking started, I guess, when i was 9 or 10 yo when I saw a chef demonstrate how to make a banana cake and a marble cake.
Genes in sweet action. |
Q: I'm curious. Why pastry? Why not, say, culinary arts?
A: I like cooking too! Although baking is something I enjoy the most. Baking is like a science experiment, you should always get the exact measurement of the ingredients or else your finished product will fail.
Q: Aside from baking, you also work as a trainer in an outsourcing firm; I assume baking takes long hours because it requires attention to details. How do you manage your time?
A: I usually do it in batches. I research on the shelf life of each product. Since I don't use preservatives (to extend shelf life), I bake the cupcakes/cakes the day before the delivery.
Q: I have witnessed you struggle in deciding what to name your cake business. What made you decide to name it 'Sweet Bites and Pieces'?
A: 'Sweet Bites and Pieces' was one of the choices, I ran out of patience for the name. I randomly pick the name and added 'Sweet' and ran to DTI to have it registered.
Q: What is your most favorite creation?
A: The plant vs. zombies cake. (you can see this on her site).
Q: What design would you like to get a chance to create?
A: 3-tiered wedding cake.
Q: I am sure you have had mishaps while baking. What was the worst? How did you handle it?
A: I still can't perfect a smooth cover of fondant on my cakes. There was one time that I accidentally poke the fondant while smoothing it and it left a giant hole (tear) on it. Thanks to "art", I covered it with fondant cut out shapes.
Q: Do you have your own kitchen?
A: I don't. I'm using someone else's kitchen. Big thanks to them!
Q: Do you have a certain habit before, during or after baking? I know a friend who badly needs a bottle of beer after a cake masterpiece.
A: I don't know. Before baking I make sure I mis en place (Culinary French phrase defined as "everything in place")
Q: I have zero knowledge in baking. Can you give me tips on how to learn it? What terms should I be familiar with?
A: Learn how to follow a recipe. Slight changes in measurement, temperature and baking time can give difference to the quality of the product.
Q: How do you feel after seeing your finished masterpiece?
A: Delighted.
Q: Since you are new to this business, how do you decide on the pricing?
A: Usually for cupcakes, it's 3x the cost of the ingredients. For cakes, I would call local businesses that make cakes and specialty cakes to get an idea of price ranges and then I decide on my price. I keep in mind too if the client is on a lower budget. Hopefully I'm not selling myself short yet.
Q: Baking needs a lot of equipment and being young in the business, it may take you time to buy all of them. Do you have a "to-buy" list? What's next on your list?
A: I buy them little by little. From the profit I get, I spend it on tools. But right now I'm saving for a heavy duty mixer.
Q: How do you ensure your capital evolves and eventually returns to you as an investment?
A: I make sure that the money I get will be enough to replenish my stock and there is enough for the mixer I am saving for. I didn't invest a big sum of money to start business; it all started with, I think, P1000 only.
Q: What do yo want "Sweet Bites and Pieces" to be known for?
A: 3D and Specialty Cakes!
Genes also gives back by sharing a portion of what she earns to her charity club The Project Tenfold Circle. She is one of the Directors and is in charge of the Club's efforts to save the environment.
Feed you eyes and sweet cravings with her masterpieces by checking her sites from Tumbler and Blogspot. For your orders, call 433-33-43 or 0927-924-88-91 (look for Genes) OR 0905-315-76-32 (look for Rizza).
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