26 November, 2011

An Ode to the Blowfish

Photo source here.
Eavesdropping in a conversation between the two main characters of one of my favorite TV shows, Breaking Bad.

Jesse: It's not our territory. Man, you follow me, here? We go rolling into these neighborhoods, other crews ain't gonna take kindly. You understand? 

Walt: Sure. They won't like it. But I say they're no gonna do a thing about it. 

Jesse: No!

Walt: Listen, Jesse.The game has changed and the word is out. And you are a killer. 

Jesse: What are you talking about?

Walt: Apparently it's all over town. Somebody crossed you and you got angry. You crushed their skull with an ATM machine. 

Jesse: But that's not how it happened.

Walt: Who cares? Just as long as it's our competitors who believe it and not the police.

Jesse: Oh my God!

Walt: Don't you see how great this is? Look you, you are a... Jesse, look at me. You are a blowfish. 

Jesse: What?

Walt: A blowfish. Think about it. Small in stature, not swift, not cunning. Easy prey for predators. But the blowfish has a secret weapon, doesn't he? Doesn't he? What does the blowfish do, Jesse... what does the blowfish do?

Jesse: I don't even know what... 

Walt: The blowfish puffs up. The blowfish puffs himself up four or five times larger than normal. And why? Why does he do that? So that it makes him intimidating, that's why. Intimidating, so that the other scarier fish are scared off. And that's you. You are a blowfish. You see, it's just all an illusion. See? It's nothing but air. Now, who messes with the blowfish, Jesse? 

Jesse: Nobody.

Walt: You're damn right.

Jesse: I'm a blowfish.

Walt: You are a blowfish. Say it again.

Jesse: I'm a blowfish.

Walt: Say it like you mean it!

Jesse: I'm a blowfish!

Walt: That's it!

Jesse: Yeah! Blowfishing this up! (smokes weed).

11 November, 2011



Last year, we had a very blessed 10.10.10. We did not engage in some ritual or tried to wear a certain color of shirt to invite luck. We went to the PAWS Animal Rehabilitation Center to feed the shelter animals and celebrate my birthday. It was a day to remember.

Today, we want to have a very blessed 11.11.11 by kicking off the donation collection for Purple Robe 3. Purple Robe is Project Tenfold Circle's program that leads outreach activities for the homeless. This is when we collect used decent clothes, toys, blankets, towels; food for cats and dogs; prepare packed food for humans and go around the metro to give relief to the homeless. We will do this not because we want luck but because we know God is good and He remains faithful in blessing us each day with food, clothes and shelter; and friends and family to share it with. We will do this because it is not about luck it is about sharing what we have.

Please take part and share a piece of you to the homeless. 

10 November, 2011

Will You Even Consider Removing Your Own Fingernails?

Will You Even Consider Removing Your Own Fingernails?

I originally planned to write this as a Facebook status until I no longer have the space to continue on what I want to say.

I watched 'Puss in Boots' with my friends last Saturday. I watched it because Puss looks like Champ, my Puspin (pusang pinoy or Filipino cat). The plot was simple and the ending is predictable. What I liked about it is its subtle way of touching the issue of declawing cats.

If you don't want to get scratches on your legs or bed sheets or furniture, DO NOT GET PETS WITH CLAWS. These animals use their claws to protect themselves. Declawing them is equivalent to you removing your own fingernails for life. Will you even consider removing your own fingernails? 

Declawing can bring a lifetime of pain and suffering; not to mention, losing their chance to survive or defend themselves if they have to. If you wish to lessen the pain it causes when they accidentally scratch you due to playfulness or simply their wanting to call your attention, simply clip their claws like you trim your nails. These cats can be trained to use a scratching post or direct their attention to something else every time they feel the need to scratch. Cats scratch because it is part of the whole routine of grooming themselves. They remove dirt and old materials from their claws. They don’t do it for fun or just because they want to get back at you for something you did. I bet the Net has hundreds of links to help you understand your pet and its behavior. For now, I hope this photo shows us exactly what happens during declawing.

…AndI have not even covered detoothing. Sigh....

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