26 March, 2014

FOOD: A Vietnamese Food in the Philippines

In May of last year, I took a solo travel to Palawan, Philippines. To say that Palawan is beautiful is an understatement. They say that God must have spent so much time creating it. 

Just like any travel, it was my goal to taste their food. On top of my list was their famous Chaolong.  

Chaolong is a Vietnamese noodle dish, which is very popular in Puerto Princesa. History tells us that there were many Vietnamese refugees who fled to Palawan and brought their native cuisine. 

Here's a photo of the place.   

I did not have a private car to tour me to the place. But I was ready to take on the adventure of trying the local public transportation. I rented a tricycle I asked the driver not to bring me to an expensive chaolongan (what they call places who serve chaolong) but to the most common go-to of the public.  I wanted to experience it the way the locals do. He did. 
They say chaolong goes well with French bread so I tried both. It was a very fulfilling experience. It almost felt like I traveled to Vietnam, which I dream of doing someday.

25 March, 2014

LEADERS: You Need Leaders.

Leadership is far beyond the prestige of how it sounds. It takes strength of character to be able to lead people. Moreso, be a good one.

Leaders are always perceived to be the strongest of the team, someone with sense of balance, and no prejudice. However, for leaders to be good leaders, they should be a good follower. Therefore, leaders also need leaders.

Imagine a life where there's no one to guide you, tell you what's wrong, celebrate your strengths, ask you the right questions, challenge your reasoning, push you to your limit. It would be a dull kind of leadership. You may be one of the greatest leaders your team has ever worked for, but deep down inside, along with your sense of accomplishment and pride, you will still feel that hunger for guidance like a child wanting a father or a mother to look up to.

Leaders, you take care of your people so well and have put everything you've got on the line. My question is, who takes care of you?

Photo Credit: I own the photo. It's a shot of my work table at home. I originally posted this writing on Bubblews. Here's the link - http://www.bubblews.com/news/2739567-leaders-you-need-leaders

10 March, 2014

I Travel Every Chance I Get

Wrote this on my account from a different site. Thought I'd share it with you, too.

I work hard every week. The last few weeks were very tight in the office. I always look forward to the weekend when I get to unwind, relax, see new things, and appreciate the life and time I have.

One time, someone asked me, "You travel almost every week! Do you?" I immediately answered, "No!" My travel goal is to go out of town every month, but I like doing things every weekend or every chance I get. This explains why I go out every weekend. You see, traveling doesn't always mean you go out of town, book a flight, or pack your bags, traveling can mean doing something you've never done before.

This made me realize that I do travel every week. To be honest, I travel even when am at home.

I attached one of the photos I took last Saturday. I will write about it and what we did on a different post.

My Saturday was about Books, Open Air Cinema, Books, Film, Books, Music, Books, Food, Books, Friends, Books, Guns, Books, Art, Books and more books.

I scored two great books from this trip and I already have something in mind for the next weekend. Wanna tag along?

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