02 October, 2010

Beyond Species

This is the 61st entry to Project 365 written 12th of July 2010.

Beyond Species
I was deeply saddened by a homeless, sickly, thin dog I saw on my way home. What hurt more was that it smiled at me. If you don't know what a dog's smile looks like; see a friend who dearly loves and takes care of one and you'll see "that smile" it can only give to one person. There is a reason why dogs are considered a human's animal best friend. Its loyalty is unwavering. You could have a bad day at work, fight with your partner, get tired with loads of work and get sick and put it all on your dog; yet, it will smile the same, wag its tail the same way, sniff you more than ever and look up to you like you are the only human created by God.

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40)

I firmly believe this verse transcends species.
This is one of the many stray dogs I saw in Nicaragua, Central America
(just like how it is here in Manila). I named him Korn (like the band)
as he came from Corn Island. He stays in the restaurant near the beach
begging for leftovers. I still wish Korn finds a permanent home.

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