11 March, 2011



I dance in the shower.

I sing and dance while cleaning my house.

I love my cats.

I don't have a green thumb.

I don't cook well. (Oh, i can fry!) 

I have physical insecurities. (I wish I was taller.)

I visit the spa regularly. (When I have the time and money)

I love to shop. (or 'window' shop)

I have more than 8 pairs of shoes and a lot of bags. (Men always wonder why women carry big bags all the time. Guess what? We don’t understand it either)

I have tons of clothes. (I still feel like I don’t have enough, it’s not greed! It’s a gurl thing!)

I look at the mirror around three times before leaving the house. (alright, more than that!)

I have to do something on my hair to shake off a bad mood. (Cut it?)

I can cry over a homeless animal in a snap. It may take me a while to cry over someone. In fact, I rarely do.

I love my family. I am the eldest and I am the only girl. (Beat that!)

I hated my mom when I was a teenager. I love her now.

I didn't tell my mom the time I first got my period but I told my parents the first time I had a boyfriend (age 14). 

I keep a journal. (Ok,... not all the time.)

My period does not affect my mood. (Ok, sometimes it does!)

I am not afraid to say how I feel. (Sometimes I just say it in a different way, duh!)

I have been cheated on, betrayed and fooled by someone but I came out victorious by learning from it. (Tough one to put down!)

I have been adored, admired and looked up to. (Like any woman has been)

I come out strong to most men my own circle but I don't mind submitting to my man.

I can do the laundry and iron clothes but I don't. (Work, you know!)

I have been living independently for almost 10 years now. (Not easy but that’s exactly what makes it fun!)

All these and more make me a woman.

I am a woman.

I thank God He made me one.

And whether or not I bear a child in this world, I am complete because I know I AM.

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