I am new to Bubblews. A friend of mine introduced me to this. I also have a blog of my own and he suggested that I try this. I did.
I love diversity and that includes my high respect for differences in opinion, culture, individuality, and backgrounds. This is also why I travel a lot. I see diversity in a very beautiful way.
When I saw the Dislike notification, I wondered. Was it my profile picture s/he didn't like? Was s/he able to read my long post for 5 seconds and found it trash? Did s/he accidentally clicked Dislike? Haha! Questions are popping in and out of my head. If I commented, liked, or disliked a post, I really meant it. Maybe that's why I wondered long.
Until I realized something about us, humans. Our need to be accepted is huge. We want to be liked all the time. It's a basic need. But I also realized another, if I hadn't gotten those two Dislikes, I would not have written this too.
Lesson? It's good to be liked but it's also good to stand up for something. As the cliche says, we can't please everyone. If someone disliked you or the things you do, don't fret. Take it as a learning experience. It's not other people's acceptance that defines you. It's how you handle their acceptance or rejection.
Note: Feel free to dislike if you didn't like this post but I thank you warmly for taking the time to read. Enjoy your morning, evening, wherever you're at!
See this post - http://www.bubblews.com/news/2031258-a-lesson-from-the-dislike-button
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