I met this great friend of mine from half the world who brought me back me to church, toured me around his country and taught me Photography (not necessarily in order). One time we decided to write each other how God has been good to us each day for 365 days.
The 20th entry to Project 365 written 31st May 2010.
Ain't it Cool?!
Sunday again! I made sure I went to church early I don't want to be late... Ok, i'll admit I like hanging around observing people, taking pictures, and I hate rushing.
Different people, from all walks of life. A teenager who you would mistake for Eminem with the way he carries himself. A girl who could pass as the fourth addition to the "Mean Girls". A famous local actor. An old lady. A new dad. A young boy whose looks obviously does not match those of his well-dressed friends. An old man in a wheelchair. A pregnant lady holding her husband's hand tight. A family.A nurse who looks like she just came from a long shift. A long-haired guy with torn jeans playing his guitar on the corner. Kids running around.
So what am I doing? Do I go to church to criticize or check out people? No I don't. My descriptions above were dictated by movies and the culture around us and I am sure you would agree with me that you get a better picture with those; but what I am really after was the amazing diversity of God's people and how awesome it is that when all these diffrent people get inside the church with me as the service starts, we suddenly become one. We raise our hands in praise, we close our eyes as we sing, we cry sometimes in awe of our One and Only God. We all thirst for His word. We are brought upon by the Holy Spirit from different directions into one place.
Contrary to popular belief, it is cool to love God. It should not be a life that looks like a burden. It should be an interesting life where you actually enjoy every minute. He doesn't choose us based on our looks, our status in life, the friends we have, nor our abilities. We don't ever measure up to His. He is loving and the joy His love brings is overwhelming.
Ten minutes before the service started I joined the crowd in getting in and I did with a smile on my face and an even bigger one in my heart - "Oh God, I was so proud to be one of them!" (thought bubbles)
"... you believe in Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." (1 Peter 1:8b-9)
Ain't it cool ?!
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