26 August, 2010

The Project Tenfold X-perience

August 22, 2010 "Project Tenfold - The Second Rush" unfolded. All the concepts and intensive planning were realized.

Photo by Clem Jimenez.
The day started with a challenge - how to fit 9 people and less than 200 bags of goodies and donations in an Adventure. We have tried all possible ways; we've brought the goodies in and out just to find the perfect fit; some of us even thought that maybe one of us should just give up and go home; but silently I know we were all wishing we fit because we all want to go and  we did. Then, what could be a better way to start this but with a prayer.

The first ones who received the bags were two kids in the middle of the street begging for a few coins. The older one seemed surprised seeing a hand coming out of a car giving him a red bag with clothes, food and toys. He thanked us repeatedly and couldn't keep his eyes off us which we could see clearly from inside the car. He didn't expect it; well, if you have lived most of your life surviving on the street it probably happens once every forever.

The second time we stopped, we were surprised by a group of around 15 men and women asking for some for themselves. They seemed to have come from nowhere. This is the exact reason why we are strictly following the 'buddy system' rule - no one is allowed to go out of the car alone. Contrary to popular belief, these people are capable of negotiation. True enough, it went smoothly and we went away safe and they were happy with what they got.

Some do not like this concept - going around the city and giving away food and clothes. Some think we teach people to be lazy, some think it's not safe, and some just don't care. Giving away gifts to the homeless will never solve poverty, probably not even lessen it, but if it could give them a little comfort and not worry about at least one meal that day then we achieved our goal.  Tenfold does not have to be a group project. You can always grab that shirt you don't use and give it to that homeless you see every day on your way to work.

We planned this activity to end by 3PM as some of us need to go somewhere and the day was almost over; so by 4PM, we decided to drop off the remaining 40 bags to Hospicio De San Jose.

It was a tiring yet very fulfilling day. We went out thinking we will help people and animals and give them what they need but it turned out to be the other way around. We went home carrying what we need - humility, a grateful heart, a caring hand and a piece of God in every human and animal we met. They gave us more than what we have given them.

Watch the video to be more blessed:

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