(n.) One who stands under the eaves, or near the window or door of a house, to listen; hence, a secret listener.
I am a fan of film. If I didn't push thru with my teaching job I would have been in the Film Industry or Media. I wanted to take Mass Comm Major In Film at the same time as I was taking Education but we don't have enough means to support both. I bet my health will not be able to support that dream either. As a workaround, I bought books about Film and Media to learn a little bit more. I'd stay in libraries to read more. Although, my meager knowledge of film is probably just as good as anyone who loves watching movies.
When I got my first pay as a high school teacher, I bought a Samsung 3-disc DVD player for myself. I have three different video rental subscriptions - Video City, Video Craze and ACA. Nowadays, I only see Video City. I even planned on having my own video rental business but with the piracy problem, it might not be a good business anymore.I have a collection of movie posters and have always encouraged friends to give me one as a gift. I used to buy GLITTER magazine every month because it talks about upcoming movies so I am always up to date. Now, you can find everything on the net. I also incorporate movies in my discussions in class a lot. You can ask my former students.
All these and 'one more' tell you how much I love movies.
'One more'? - As I entered the 'teaching' world in college my love for movies didn't falter. I watched movies every chance I got (and I still do) but I did more than watch; I took down all the lines that I hear from the movies that I watch.
During those times, movie lines cannot easily be found on the net and there is no Facebook to give you a daily dose of movie lines. You will hear them as you watch the movie and you have to remember. I will play and pause the movie to get the accurate lines. I compiled all of them and entitled it "Flaming Lips". I stopped adding entries since 2005 because I got frustrated with how easy one can get the lines from the net. The thrill of getting it right from the movie right after you hear its magic has disappeared.
I used to carry the compilation book with me all the time and one of my interns got so interested that she took it from me without my permission and photocopied everything. I didn't talk to her for days!
I know the lines from those movies are not from me and that I should share it but it was more than just that to me. It was my own little world of Film and Media. It was my alter ego. I almost know everything I wrote there by heart. My Ex used to quiz me about it and gets amazed with the accuracy of my answers.
Now I decided to blog about it; to share that little world I put myself into. Also, there is nothing here that you won't see on the net anyway. I will post the entries one at a time as my mood and heart allows it. I just have a few disclaimers:
- If the lines are not accurate, please forgive me. Blame it on my play-pause ability not reaching its goal. In addition, not all movie copies have amazing audios, or maybe I heard it wrong.
- I bet, nine times out of ten, you will also find these lines from the net but I did not find them there. You can count on my honesty!
- Over the course of my taking-note-of-good-lines-i-hear escapades, I have also learned to take notes of lines I hear from songs, famous people and even the ones I read from books or magazines so some of the stuff you will see are not solely from movies.
- The movie title/song title/book title/magazine title indicated in each line is where I got the line. If you have also heard it from someone else or somewhere else then I didn't hear or see it from there.
- It is not my intention to violate any infringement rules or copyrights or whatever law. I am just a fan of what was written or said.
- If you repost any of the lines you will see here, please indicate the source of the line indicated.
- Not all the lines I have collected are written on one notebook. Some are written on some pieces of papers, saved in my cellphone, on the back of a photograph, in my memory or sometimes even on the walls of the houses I lived in. I had to write or else I'll lose it, just the same when I write an original piece.
- The lines do not reflect my values, not all. Some are just plain interesting to me.
- There are about 10 or less lines shared by a friend who is also in the same hobby when I started this.
- The title 'Eavesdropping' came from a label I used to tag some entries from my first blog Uninvited Thoughts. It showcases lines, scenes, conversations from movies or real-life scenes that I find interesting and worth writing about.
- Most of all, this isn't gossip. NO WAY!
I have collected about 1000 lines for those 10 years that I was doing it. If I had not stopped maybe it will double the number. The brown book you will see in one of my entries soon, contains 477 lines to be exact. The rest are everywhere - planners, journals, phone, walls, old letters or from another notebook I call the 'black book' where I write my original poems.
Maybe I will start adding entries again or maybe not but for now I just want to share what I have.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the movies because I'm ready for you now.
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