02 November, 2010

The Birth of a Birthday Project

The Birth of a Birthday Project
By Fox Llante

Two years ago I decided that I’ve had enough of the birthday parties and gifts. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t celebrate my birthday in a grandiose manner. In fact, it has been more like a routine – my mother cooks her, as usual, delicious meals; I’d invite a few friends, and then the day is over. Sometimes, I don’t even exert an effort to celebrate at all. I love simplicity but I was never a fan of mediocrity; so in October of 2008, I realized that I was missing on something. The gifts don’t please me anymore, parties don’t appeal to me neither, birthday cards say almost the same thing the year before that and the year before that year. I was appalled by the idea that it has become a vicious nonsense cycle – or at least not sensible enough to make me happy. Does this go with age? I asked myself; or has this always been in my heart ever since but I just didn’t have the time, the courage and the right person to support me.
“To Me but Not for Me” – It was a perfect birthday project title. It’s another way of saying ‘It’s my birthday! And if you want to give me something, please give something else to someone else instead’. What an amazing thought! And yeah, what an amazing feeling it gave me!
I acted on it. I made sure to start it while I was on fire. The ideas flowed like honey. During that time, I just got involved as a volunteer in the Philippine Animal Welfare Society where I suddenly got interested in those little souls. I never hurt animals, I was never brought up that way; but like almost everyone else, I was indifferent. I didn’t care to care. On my spare time during weekends, I’d go to the shelter and do volunteer work – clean the shelter, attend fundraising events, bathe dogs, clean cat ears; I also fostered a kitten and even rescued cats left inside a plastic bag and thrown on a wet street like some garbage one rainy day. Something was changing in me while I was doing those. I have always been involved in charitable activities. I have been to orphanages, home for the aged, home for the disabled and special children, and when I was an active SK (Youth Organization) Official I even initiated projects for women in prison but I never thought of animals. Just like almost everyone else, I never thought of animals. I didn’t think they deserve the same treatment. I didn’t think they were worth my time. I’m glad I didn’t stay in that place. I’m glad I changed. So, I decided where and how to spend my birthday from then on. Out of maybe 1000 (or probably more) people who would generously spend their birthday for the less fortunate humans, at least, I thought, there was one who would think of the welfare of the even less fortunate souls – the animals.
 I got the perfect invite design ready, the words arranged exactly the way I want it. My father designed the cloth envelope and it was perfect. I asked permissions from the right people (PAWS Directors and Sherwin, the volunteer photographer).  I distributed the invites to only a few friends. I included a list of items they can donate – cat food, dog food, leashes, cages, specific names of medicines for the sick. I even included a list of items that can be donated by someone who does not have enough money – old newspapers and old blankets. I included photos of shelter animals to encourage people to adopt. I was overwhelmed by the responses.
I was told by Anna Cabrera (PAWS Director) that my birthday falls on the feast of St. Francis de Assisi – the patron saint for animals and the celebration of the World Animal Day; so needless to say, the shelter was jampacked. It was tiring but I went home and slept well, and believe it or not, I closed my eyes with a sweet smile.
Last October was third time to do this. This year was special. I celebrated with a group of dear friends who helped with this project from start to finish – Project Tenfold. What does Project Tenfold do? Hmmm, that should be in another piece of writing.
I got everything – an invite perfectly designed by a friend, Clem; cat and dog food home cooked by my ever reliable mother; endless errands by my brother Denver; permission and support from PAWS Directors; donations by friends and by people whom I don’t personally know but has reached out to help; my own rescued pets who inspired me; and God, who gave me the time, resources, the right people to support me, and the heart to care for His other creation – animals. This time, aside from asking donations, I fed all the shelter animals and saved the organization the money to spend for at least one meal that day. It wasn’t a grand act or a heroic deed at all compared to the amount of money the shelter needs on a daily basis - a shelter that only survives through volunteer work and donations and does not even get funds from the government. It wasn’t a heroic deed. It wasn’t. So, while everyone else was thinking how to spend their 10.10.10 to bring luck to their lives, we were in the shelter feeding the animals, walking a few dogs, playing with the cats, talking to the shelter personnel; and not knowingly, feeding our own souls.

We went home smelling like fish due to the cooked fish we had to mash for the kitties but I saw the same smiles I saw in myself the first time I did this which, I knew, would make all of us fall asleep later that night; and maybe, if lucky, would put a sweet smile as we close our eyes upon hitting the sack. It happened to me.

Credits at the end of the presentation.


  1. Beautiful post. Thanks for letting me a part of this birthday project. :)

    First to comment, BTW. :D

  2. haha! true that! thanks for being part of this bryce. it means a lot to me.


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