Jen: Jack is not a fruit fly.
Tyson: Oh, common Jen, he’s playing for the other team.
Jen: You don’t know that.
Tyson: If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!
Jen: Why does it even matter even if he says he is …a duck?
Tyson: It’s his choice. I mean if he wants to quack, more power to him.
Jen: You see, I don’t think that it’s necessarily a choice that you make.
Tyson: You see that’s what they want you to believe; that it’s not a choice, but
everything in life is a decision and all ducks choose to quack and Jack is
definitely a quacker.
Jen: Are you kidding me or are you serious?
Tyson: I’m completely serious. Nobody has to quack if they don’t want to.
At Jen’s home after the date and dinner prepared by Jen’s grandmother who has been encouraging Jen to come church and consider having faith in His existence…
Gramps: (to Jen) I really like that Ty boy Jen.
Tyson: That was a great sandwich Mrs. Ryan! (to Gramps)
Gramps: Would you like a lil’ more milk Tyson?
Tyson: Ah…No thanks, no thanks! One is my limit. I’m driving.
Tyson: (to Jen) are you upset about something?
Jen: No. (Ty stares at her) No…No… It’s… It’s…you know what? … Yeah! Actually I am.
Tyson: Let me guess, the quacking ducks.
Jen: How can you think that it’s wrong?
Tyson: Well, I never said it was wrong, Jen. I said it was a choice.
Jen: So then you think it’s ok?
Tyson: No. I think it’s wrong. It’s in the Bible… Hey Mrs. Ryan, what’s the chapter that
condemns homosexuality to sin?
Gramps: I believe it’s in the …Book of Leviticus.
Jen: Gramps, stay out of this, please? Ok? I’m not gonna’ let you two gang up on
me here.
(to Ty) How can you have such a narrow view about being gay?
Ty: How can you be so narrowly liberal?
Jen: Ty, you’re no saint, you know that!
Ty: I don’t claim to be, but one day I’m gonna have to answer to the Big Man and
so will Jack; and if he’s ready to take responsibility for his actions then he can do
whatever he wants. I just think that his kind is damaging to the world at large.
Jen: I cannot believe you; for you to suggest that somebody can just magically
decide to be gay is insane.
Tyson: The facts don’t lie Jen. The gay movement has been nothing but medically
and morally damaging to this country.
Jen: What?
Gramps: (can’t help but hear them arguing) You know I tried to stay out of this. I
have but I can’t Jennifer…just let me just explain…
Jen: No!... No!... Gramps, I’m not gonna let you guys moral majority me here and you
don’t even know all the facts.
Gramps: What I have to say isn’t directed at you Jen; what I have to say is for
Ty: Look, all I’m saying is…
Gramps: If Jack is gay, he does not need your judgment, young man. The Lord
above will be the one to judge him as he will all of us. What he needs from
you, from me, from everyone else in this world is love and tolerance. If
anything, that boy must feel scared and alone and he will need
the understanding of his fellowmen to help him through. Let's save
judgment for someone much more experienced than you.
These conversations may not exactly relfect everything I stand for but if there is one thing I would agree without an ounce of doubt in my heart is the fact that I am in no position to judge any one who may not fit my exact description of this and that. I have gay friends whom I love dearly. I invite them to church sometimes and they do it with such an open heart. I have experienced God's love, faithfulness and slowness to anger so many times that it overflows and makes me want to share it with others, especially the people I love - no matter who they are and who they are not; and whatever happens after is between them and God.
A church should not be a place of condemnation and passing of judgement. It should be a place of forgiveness, compassion and acceptance and no soul should ever feel unwelcomed.
Just my two quacks worth!
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