Jacket On! Jacket Off!
Eavesdropping on The Karate Kid (2010)
This is the conversation between Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) and Dre Parker (Jaden Smith, the cute little kid from The Pursuit of Happyness) on Day One of their Kung Fu lesson.
Mr. Han: Pick up your jacket
Dre: Oh...So basically Mr. Han what I'm trying to say is... I got a good foundation here...You know, like I said... It might not be as hard to teach me as other people you know.
Mr. Han: Hang it up.
Dre: And now?
Mr. Han: Take it down.
Dre: (wondering) But you just...
Mr. Han: Take it down.
Put it on.
Take it off.
Dre: I already did all this...
Mr. Han: Take it off.
Dre: Can you just tell me why I'm doing all of this?
Mr. Han: Take it off.
Hang it up.
Take it down.
Put it on the ground.
Pick it up.
Hang it up.
Take it down.
Put it on.
Take it off.
Put it on the ground.
Pick it up.
Hang it on.
Take it down.
Put it on.
Take it off.
Hang it up.
From a different scene...
Mr. Han: Kung Fu lives in everything we do Dre. It lives on how we put on a
jacket, how we take off the jacket. And lives on how we treat
people. Everything is Kung Fu.
Does not make sense? ... Watch the movie!
物極必反 Wù jí bì fǎn!
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