06 January, 2012

An Act of Faith and Humility

An Act of Faith and Humility

The Annual 7-Day Prayer and Fasting is not something new to my very close friends at work. They know very well that aside from my own faith goals, it is my desire to include them in my prayers. Letting them know about it somehow helps me in this journey. They no longer invite me to our usual big breakfast meals or late night dinners or sudden hunger food trips… at least for a week.

Baguio City, PH
March 5, 2011
Before I start the weeklong journey, I sent a text message to these dear friends and family asking for the things they have been fervently praying for this 2012. First message I got was from my brother…from my father… then, from a few of my friends. After taking notes of their faith goals alongside with mine, I realized how specific their prayers are and how trusting they were in sharing it with me. Then, it dawned on me; more than trusting me with the desires of their heart, it was an act of faith. They believed that there is power in prayer and that when two or three people are gathered to seek Him, He will be there. Aside from showing an act of faith it was also an expression of humility – recognizing the power of God over our human incapability, the importance of praying with others and seeking God’s will. I want this God, but is this what You want for me?

I was humbled by their humility and my faith made strong by their faith. Now, that’s more than getting the answers to all our faith goals combined.

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