19 May, 2012

What kind of faith do you have? A Maxee faith? Or a Champ faith?

Old photo of Maxee and Champ 
I am blessed to have been given a chance to be the human companion of two lovely felines – Maxee and Champ. Even if pet companionship can be a challenge sometimes, it never fails to give me nuggets of joy and lessons every day.

Maxee and Champ have two very distinct cat-racteristics.  I will mention one on this entry and explain what I got from it.

Cats express themselves and their needs in a million ways. Body language plays a vital role in this communication. You have to understand the movements of their ears, tails and fur. You also have to distinguish the different sounds they produce – there’s the purr, the sweet meow, the hungry meow, the in-heat meow, the distressed meow, the responding-to-another cat meow and, of course, the hiss. How they move their tails speak of so many things too. It will take time for the human companion to be up to speed. One cat’s behavior may differ from another so having two cats will double your daily discoveries.

Champ is the best example of a cat that uses all the signals mentioned above especially when hungry. It would do anything and everything in its cat power to let me know. As a first attempt, it will rub itself against me like a sweet pet does and stay on my lap for 10 seconds. If that doesn’t work, it will produce the I-am-a-male-feline-and-I-am-hungry sound. Next attempt would be to distract my attention by blocking my view with the hey-look-who’s-here-and-look-who’s-hungry sounds, or biting my leg or hand, or jumping on my back almost hugging my neck (imagine the pain it gives if I wasn’t able to trim the nails prior) or by pulling my hair. Yes! Sometimes it can drive you up the wall!

Maxee, on the other hand, is extremely opposite. It comes up to me, gives a sweet I-am-a-hungry-give-me-food-please meow, rubs itself against me until I pay attention, goes to the feeding area and patiently stare. It will give me the I-will-wait-for-you-here-please-hurry-up-but-I-will-be-patient look.

Two cats, two different ways of expressing their needs, one goal and one faith.

We can use the same metaphors in the way we express our needs to God. We can be Maxee and tell our Father our prayers and then be still and know the He will work on it. We can rest in the idea that He is capable of everything and that His will is higher than ours.

Be still and know that I am God... – Psalm 46:10
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer…let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7
…OR be like Champ and pray incessantly with an understanding that NO ONE else can help us.

Pray unceasingly. 1Thessalonians 5:17
Give us this day our daily bread. – Matthew 6:11

The last verse tells us that faith and prayer happen every day and that a day without it is like declaring we don’t need Him.

Whatever type of faith you have, whether it's a Maxee or Champ, it all boils down to ONE thing – dependency on God. No one can ever survive anything without the grace of God and that apart from Him, we are NOTHING. (John 15:5b)

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