that the voting is done, I feel that voicing out my opinion about AI's Grand
Finale would be rather safe.

Both are deserving to be in the Finale. Both have amazing
talents and vocal prowess suited to their musical genre.
If I were to vote for Jessica, it will not be because she's
of Filipino descent but because of her awesome talent. On the other hand, I
will not not vote for her because of the same reason
(see same link).
It may be an assumption to say that WGWG (white guy with a
guitar) had been a pattern in the last few seasons of AI. To me, there's a lot
of truth in it. However, the tolerance to this pattern has reached its limit
and unfortunately P2 has to suffer. P2, with his amazing originality and his
adherence to it is something that can only be seen by someone whose inclination
is the same as his musical genre or by someone who has a wide array of
musicality. Just because one does not scream or growl doesn't mean his vocals are not powerful. The voice should match the genre and P2 is exactly in a genre where he should be just like Jessica is. I understand why Jennifer Lopez reacted that way to Jessica's performance on Round 3 of the Finale. She was advising Jessica that with the kind of vocals she has, she has every right to say NO to the songs given to her; that she can change it and make it her own. Jessica's 16 and although she has a soulful interpretation of her songs, it will take time before she develops her decision-making skills - which advice to get and which to put aside.
This is exactly what P-squared does in every song. He makes it his own. He takes the advice of the vocal coach but decides on his own. He didn't change his fashion style, he didn't stick to the tune of Madcon's Beggin' as Steven wanted him to but it turned out exceptional. To add to this, try listening to his versions of Volcano and those Usher songs. A-mazing!
This is exactly what P-squared does in every song. He makes it his own. He takes the advice of the vocal coach but decides on his own. He didn't change his fashion style, he didn't stick to the tune of Madcon's Beggin' as Steven wanted him to but it turned out exceptional. To add to this, try listening to his versions of Volcano and those Usher songs. A-mazing!
P2's voice and rendition of songs have brought me back to
that 90's alternative music era that I dearly miss. What's even better is he adds a modern
twist into it that you won't forget he's 21. Also, have you seen what he does after every performance? He acknowledges all the members of his band - that's maturity! I think it is unfair to
generalize P2 fans as screaming female teenagers. Although I understand why we could assume they are.
There's probably more female voters than there are males. And because of the
WGWG pattern, it is the most convenient explanation. However, I believe he
deserves the title as much as Jessica does.
Although I would love for Jessica to win too and that for
selfish reasons I don't want P2 to win (see this link and look
for entry no. 5), I guess it's time to accept my other claim that he does
deserve it!
If I go back to that time when I needed to decide who to
vote for, it will go down to whoever I will listen to on my music player, the
songs I will download and play on my road trips. The voting will go down to
one's own choice of music genre and not what the rest says.
As I write this line, P2 was announced as the new AI Idol.
My confusion and anxiety about it are finally over, America has decided and P2 (just
like Jessica) has every right to be called an American Idol. With the talent
Jessica has, there is no shade of doubt that she will sell records
for herself. She has been booted out early on but thanks to the judges who saw her talent and rescued her and to America for giving her a second chance and sending her this far. In the end, we all know they both deserve to win and the votes will be the one to decide who gets the title.
Cheers to P2 who won the title and America, and to Jessica who made a lot of Filipinos and Mexicans proud.
Cheers to P2 who won the title and America, and to Jessica who made a lot of Filipinos and Mexicans proud.
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