25 April, 2011

ON RELATIONSHIPS: How much is too much?

Photo from Imdb
Eavesdropping on the movie “Going the Distance”

Corrine, Erin’s sister, talks to Garrett (the latter’s boyfriend) about Erin’s decision to give up an incredible job to be with him in New York.

Corinne: So, must be excited huh!
Garrett:  Yeah excited!
Corinne: It's wonderful... you know, Garrett, how much I love my sister, right?
Garrett: Of course!
Corinne: I mean, she means everything to me. And that, as you can see, I'm very protective of her. So it's been very hard for me watching her struggle with this decision to come with you or to take this incredible job. But you know, she loves you. And, uh, I know how much you love her. But you need to know how much she's giving up to be with you. So don't break her heart. Ok? …


We all have made sacrifices for the ones we love. Some have given up a favorite hobby, some have given up a person to stop jealousy issues and some have given up a habit that took them almost a lifetime to break. Some have gone farther by giving up a dream, an incredible job, a family’s acceptance or even a good name; all these and more in the name of love. But when is a sacrifice too much? I honestly don’t know. I guess there is no measurement to the sacrifices that we do every day. Also there is no guarantee that we get what we expect to get.

We can make sacrifices all we want but these sacrifices should never, in any way, stop a couple from growing together. Little sacrifices here and there and a few compromises right and left meeting halfway may (or may not) be the answer. A relationship should never stop us from discovering who we really are, to do the things that we love and to grow as we should. A relationship that stops you from growing and developing will more likely slowly kill you until that day when you no longer know who you really are.


Corrine: … or I'll cut your balls off.

16 April, 2011


Photo from Wikipedia
I've had enough of this exaggerated idea of masculinity! I don't understand why some men think taking care of a CAT lessens their manhood.

Are you a cat or a dog person? "DOG! Of course!", this kind of man will say as if he is being called a “wussy”.

Is being a ‘cat person’ exclusive to the female species?

I have kept my disdain for this idea for a long time. What makes up a man goes beyond the dictates of culture, his sexuality and some preconceived notions about what type of animals he should be associated with. It's funny that even when it comes to dogs (an animal perceived to be a pet for men) society can still narrow down a man's choice. He should have a pit-bull or a Rottweiler but never a Poodle or a Chihuahua.

My brother takes care of my cats when I travel. He loves my cats and they love him back. Champ runs to the door to welcome him even when he is still 20 feet away. My other brother always speaks of wanting to get one to pet. My male friends play with my cats every time they visit. My cats would always rub themselves on their feet as a sign of affection and acceptance. I have seen so many male volunteers in PAWS (Philippine Animal Welfare Society) who rescue, take care of and love cats the way they do with dogs. My cats’ vets are all males.

So, what is a man's problem when he thinks being seen with a CAT makes him less of a man? One thing I know for sure, when one is too worried about something, there is always a good reason why.

 A REAL MAN can love and take care of a CAT without ever worrying about his manhood. He knows there are other things a man can do to make him less of a man; like domestic violence, cheating, abuse of power, pride and the list can go on and on. Love for animals, no matter what kind, does not have a gender.

 ...or maybe Marvel needs to reinvent Catman.

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