31 January, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Sharpened in January

The start of this year wasn’t the easiest. In fact, I have been sharpened on every side; but this is the exact reason I could confidently say “I started this year right.” The Bible says “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. More than being able to post a blog, I was interested in looking back and knowing what filled my heart the last 30 days. What could be the best way to do this but to utilize Facebook.

Jan. 1 
is in Hopeful Anticipation.
To all my friends in the US and Nicaragua who are about to welcome 2011, i wish you a Prosperous New Year! Prospero Año Nuevo! I am seeing 2011 and indeed it is a better place. - Gurl from the future.
Seriously wants to wear the Black Swan makeup. (makeup lng!) makeup artists?
Dolce far niente! hmmm...

Jan. 2 
Disclaimer: This is not a New Year's resolution but a goal.The first quarter of 2011 is going to be "ME" time so I can love the whole world the rest of the year. *winks

Will come out of the tent and look up. God is not done with me yet and I will not limit Him with what He can do for me this year.

Jan. 3
Lord... We don't know what this future holds or this year holds but at least we know Who holds it. - Ptr. Pao

So far, there is nothing in Fringe that I haven't seen from its inspiration, The X-Files - all the conspiracies, mysteries, hoaxes and even the character flaws. However, seeing a lof of Pacey Witter in Peter Bishop is a little entertaining and how Fringe Science never fails to fascinate me.

It won't go away just because you don't like it. - The Family Guy

Jan. 5 
I am not doing very well at the moment and I could probably be in one of the lowest points of my life but I worry not; Why? Because I know I am in Good Hands. :)

Jan. 7

Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.
Is being strong and courageous.

Jan. 8

DAY TWO: I am distinctly God's.

Jan. 9

DAY THREE: I know who my Boss is.

Jan. 10

DAY FOUR: I am conquering Faith.

Jan. 11

DAY FIVE: Not without God!

Jan. 12

DAY SIX: I won't settle!
I am tearing apart and it feels like my heart's being stomped on and ripped off my chest BUT I will not settle. I will not let the Good take my eyes off the BEST.

Jan. 13

DAY SEVEN: I am choosing to serve and...hmmmm.... I can smell victory!

Jan. 14

Project Tenfold promotes 'Message Cent'. If you wish to participate, just donate your 5, 10 and 25 centavos to help prevent more homeless dogs/cats. Approach any Project Tenfold official and/or member to get your own Message Cent coin bottle to fill. We need to raise a minimum of P4000 or or before April 15, 2011. This project is in cooperation with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society.

Jan. 15 
Your face is downcast because you are not right with God. Get right vertically and horizontally things tend to take care of itself. - Ptr. Steve Murrell

Jan. 16 
Is anyone of you in trouble?He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James5:13 Let us not forget God not just in our troublesome days but moreso in our happy times. Blessed Sunday!

God can do amazing things in your life that no flesh can fabricate. - Ptr. Pao

Jan. 17  
WANTED: a very nice landlord/landlady who has an available, affordable, secured house or apt for rent in Mandaluyong; can accept two indoor litter-box-trained, well-vaccinated cats; REWARD: you will receive TENFOLD blessings from my Father for the rest of your existence. Pretty good deal huh?! *giggles

Jan. 18 
My silence is not a sign of weakness, bitterness or non-acceptance. It is my smart way of showing my strength - something I owe myself. I don't have to accept anything because I did not ask for anything. I was the one who didn't give you a choice. Between the two of us, I am the one in control. I decide when to speak, when to stay away and when to be silent. I decide why and how. I decide. You don't get to.

Mark Zuckerberg gave me no options and left me no choice. He changed my profile settings against my will.

 Jan. 19 
One of my 10 faith goals has been answered right after the P&F. It was not my priority but it is God's. I know His timing is always perfect - never late never early, just right! Gloria al Dios!

Lord, am amazed by you every single day. Even if I don't know where I'm going the next days I can't take the smiles off my face. :)

Project Tenfold is happy to inform you that as of January 14th we have already collected a total of P361.16 from your centavos ! We have already distributed around 15 bottles that are currently being filled in by you and other supporters.We still have a long way to go 'till our minimum target P4000. We can do it!

FT 4th Tribe, let's kick some fraudsters' A's tonight! My cheers for y'all Watchdogs! :)

 Jan. 20
“You sit around watching all this stuff happen on TV. . . and the TV sits and watches us do nothing! The TV must think we’re all pretty lame.”-Shannon Wheeler

Jan. 21 
Today was a great test of faith and patience. I didn't exactly get the reward I was aiming for but I got something as equally rewarding. I was rewarded a KFC Cookies and Cream Krushers! Life has twists but it is indeed good! Thank God!

I pray that I would always find favor in the eyes of the Lord just like Joseph The Dreamer did. His story is a good ending to Genesis. I give it an A for Awesome!

Jan. 22 
Craving for stapegi.

Jan. 23 
It is so easy to give up but I am not.

Jan. 24 
I look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet my heavenly Father feeds them. Am I not much more valuable than they?

There will always b people in our lives who will blame us 4 every single bad thing that happened & will happen in their lives;as if we hold it in our hands;as if we are responsible 4 their waking up in the morning & closing of eyes at night. If we lose focus we will turn into like them without us knowing. Know where you are & who U are in the presence of others & in the presence of God,& U will be just fine.

Reflections from Ptr. Robert Hern's preaching last Sunday: There will be moments in your life when you will be stripped off of everything - your abilities, talents, looks, treasures, relationships - and there is nothing and nowhere to stand on but the Word of God.

Jan.  25 
No other place is safe except God's.
 Man can do all that he can to make himself safe. He can put up walled houses, invent high-security cars, train the best guards and take alternate routes to prevent accidents and mishaps. He can do everything he can but safety and security can only be found in one place - in God's.

 Jan. 26 
After a jampacked Tuesday at work.
Fox: Ang gwapo nga ng bagong kapitbahay ko eh! *kilig
Bryan Kiguchi: Ay, hindi ko alam magkasama pla tayo sa isang condo?
Fox: (tumawa ng parang walang bukas) Ayun eh!
(nawala ang pagod ng lahat pati ng audience namin)
 Jan. 27 
My prayers of safety for you, myself, the people you love and mine as we travel to and from our destinations every single day.

Watashi wa Nihongo wo benkyoushimasu.

Jan. 28  
Imma be jailbreaking a tough woman...very soon! watch out male species! ;)

Jan. 29 
is HOME. God is indeed faithful!

Marked three faith goals for 2011 as "Received".

Jan. 30 
Thank you Nyree Belen and Roxanne Millar for the prayers. I am sooooo loving this spiritual family. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday! *hugs

Thank you Eric Angeles, Michael Cruz and Kelvz Alonzo for all the help. You are all my heroes! *winks Group HUG!!!

I could have settled for something less, or something good, or something better. But I'm glad I didn't coz my Father only wants the BEST for me.

I can, might and will likely to give up on myself but my Father won't give up on me.
Jan. 31 
Not one of all the good promises that the Lord gave me has failed.

- E N D -

This month has been good only because I know Who made it good. I have already received so much blessings and lessons that I could hold on to to move on to the next 11 months of this year.
"You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled and not one has failed." - Joshua 23:14

 I wonder what the 'love' month has in store.

Events: Ignite 2011 Conference

Photo from Victory Church Philippines.
We’re so excited for the campuses all over the Philippines joining Ignite 2011 this summer! Among those who have registered are students from Tarlac State University, Rizal Technological University, University of Santo Tomas, Silliman University, and Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan!

When we started our registration last Friday, January 14, over 1,400 students, campus leaders, and volunteers signed up for our Campus Conference. Forty-seven LifeBox centers participated in the registration opening. It’s just been one week but we’re almost at the halfway mark of our 6,000-person registration goal! Right now, 2,471 delegates are joining us at the PhilSports Arena on May 26-28 for our student conference!

Click here to know how you can register.  You can also watch our video here.

Registration is still ongoing in all Victory centers nationwide. Invite your friends and classmates to join us to the most exciting Campus Conference this year: Ignite 2011!

When the Filipino youth decides to get right with God, the result is always on fire!

26 January, 2011

Where to?

As part of my daily routine, I logged on the net to check my mails, Facebook and my blog. I don’t watch the news often. Usually when you have Facebook you don’t really need to because you can get a blow-by-blow account of the headlines. Yesterday, Facebook was flooded by another sad story – the Makati bus blast that killed 5 people (as of writing).  

Photo not mine.
This morning,  people have swarmed the train stations; an expected outcome a day after a tragic bus incident. While watching, I remembered the Rizal Bombings just before Christmas of 2000 in LRT (Light Railway Transit), Plaza Ferguson, at a gasoline station and a bus station.  Some have sighed saying how lucky they are they don’t need to get on a bus to go to work. Then I remembered the jeepney accident that happened in Davao which killed 7 people including an eight-month fetus surgically removed from the mother.
These days, is it safe to just stay at home? Not really. My family was a victim of fire twice. In both instances, we slept the night before thinking that the next day is going be just another sunny morning. Ondoy poured its rain for only a few days last September 2009. At least 609,548 people were displaced by flood waters and had to stay in makeshift evacuation centers in schools and churches. 240 people, mostly from the National Capital Region, were killed. 319,881 families or 1,872,036 people were affected by the storm. In addition, damages to infrastructures and agriculture in Luzon amounted to more than P2 billion. (Wikipilipinas).
Will we be safe if we stay in high-rise condominiums? NO. We all know how much damage an earthquake can do. It does not even have to take an earthquake to destroy a building. Humans can do it to their fellow humans.
Should we ignore strangers? Block ourselves from the world outside and stay within our circle? Domestic crimes are very high everywhere. The numbers you will see only reflect the reported cases. Most families would choose not to surface to save the family’s reputation.
So has God forgotten our country that we experience all sorts of mishaps? Have Filipinos gone mad with what they do to their countrymen? Answer: Check international news and you’ll get your answer.
It is a scary thought to wake up one day and watch the news about a disaster or a crime and hear a familiar name. Just the thought of it could tear you apart. We can’t bring our kids or our loved ones to and from their destinations all the time. We’re going to have to leave them at one point or another and trust that we will still see them before the day ends.
Most Filipinos say “kung oras mo na, oras mo na” (if it’s your time to die, it’s your time to die). Is this our way of accepting fate? Is this really our way of accepting death? Or is this just our way of coping with fear? We don’t die just for the purpose of completing a lifetime. We don’t die just because it is our destiny. Death can be a beginning.
Man can do all that he can to make himself safe. He can put up walled houses, invent high-security cars and advanced tracking devices, train the best guards, and even take alternate routes to prevent accidents and mishaps. He can do everything he can but safety can only be found in one place - in God’s. There is nowhere else to go. I can be writing this now and not wake up when I peacefully hit the sack. But do I feel safe? Yes. Because I know that no matter what happens, whether I get to see the sun or the moon when I open my eyes or whether I wake up in one piece or many; I am in a safe place.
As I hit the sack after writing this I will say a prayer of safety for you, for myself, for the people you love and mine as we travel to and from our destinations every single day.

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

24 January, 2011

Pinhole Reflections: The Two Sides of Forgiveness

As I was reading through Genesis I came across the story of Joseph the Dreamer. I was blessed. Not that it was my first time to know about it but, more so, because it felt like I was reading it for the first time.
In case you forgot the story, let me remind you.

Photo taken July 9th 2010.

Joseph is a son of Jacob and he has 11 brothers. He is his father’s favorite. One day, he dreamed that his brothers will bow down before him. This aroused jealousy in the hearts of his brothers.

To get rid of him, his brothers plotted to kill him but ended up selling him as a slave instead. Joseph worked hard and found favor in the eyes of Potiphar, a powerful man in Egypt. Potiphar’s wife noticed him and set him up to her advantage. Joseph was sent to prison. 

While inside, he met a baker and a butler who had weird dreams that no one can interpret but Joseph. Eventually, Joseph’s ability to accurately interpret dreams reached Potiphar who requested for his services when he had a dream that no one else can interpret for him. Joseph’s interpretations were correct so he found favor in Potiphar’s eyes , was freed and later on appointed him a post in the government. There were 7 years of abundance and 7 years of great famine in Egypt just as Joseph interpreted Potiphar’s dream. The famine was so severe that it reached Canaan where Joseph’s family lived and suffered. When Jacob found out there is available food in Egypt he instructed his sons to go get some. When they got to Egypt, Joseph recognized them but his brothers did not recognize him. He tested their honesty in many different ways. Eventually Joseph noticed that his brothers have changed and so he revealed himself. Finally, Jacob is brought to Egypt to join his family and see his beloved son Joseph again.
(Read the whole story from Genesis Chapters 37-50.)

On the last Chapter of Genesis after Jacob died, I was particularly moved by these verses:
When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrong s we did to him?” So they sent word to Joseph, saying, “Your father left these instructions before he died: This is what you are to say to Joseph: ‘I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.’ Now, please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father.” WHEN THEIR MESSAGE CAME TO HIM, JOSEPH WEPT.
(Genesis 50:15-17)

We have all been wronged and I am pretty sure we have all wronged someone. We have been in both sides of the table. We know how each side feels. Sometimes we wonder which side is more painful.

To be wronged by someone can bring most of us to tears. It is so painful that we feel like our heart is being stomped on and ripped off our chest. Believe it or not, being on the opposite can be just as painful. Guilt creeps in and, to some, can give sleepless nights.
Have you been wronged so bad that just thinking about it takes your breath away? On the other hand, have you ever been wronged but eventually learned to forgive and forget even if the offender didn’t really ask for your forgiveness? You see, we don’t need to hear a plea of forgiveness to be able to forgive someone. It could happen in the most silent way. It could happen without anyone knowing. 
Have you ever been wronged and forgave the offender this way? Have you ever been wronged and forgave the offender this way but still weep when you finally hear them ask for your forgiveness?
I have been, many times. I have been wronged by a lot of people whom I have silently forgiven but have been swept off my feet when I finally heard them ask for it just like Joseph has been.
You see, we have to free ourselves from anger and unforgiveness and learn to forgive. But we also need to learn to free others by asking for forgiveness even if we already know we have been forgiven. If you have wronged others, ask for forgiveness. If others wronged you, forgive silently even if they didn't ask for it. If they did, please let them hear it. It can free both sides.
Forgiveness is not a heroic act or a saintly expression. It is, in fact, a gift from God. We are capable of forgiving only because He first forgave us.

21 January, 2011

Flaming Lips: String of Thoughts on Teamwork, Separated in Flesh

Photo taken from toonpool.

On matters of teamwork – None of us is as good as all of us.
-          Ptr. Paolo Punzalan (Victory Fort)

I am the best only because I work with the best.
-          Bruce Willis as Harry Stamper in Armageddon

I am only as good as the people I work with.
-          Oprah

You’re good but not that good… that’s why you need a team.

-          Ptr. Joey Bonifacio (Victory Fort)

17 January, 2011

Sentiments of the Eyes behind the Camera

photographer [fəˈtɒgrəfə] n - (Business / Professions) a person who takes photographs, either as a hobby or a profession. (Collins)
:one who practices photography; especially : one who makes a business of taking photographs (Merriam)

Photo by Peter Traña.
I was never comfortable calling myself a photographer for the very reason mentioned above. I am not a professional photographer but, by all means, I take photographs as a hobby; thus my question, does that make me one? If a photographer is defined as someone who takes photos as a hobby, then with all the DSLRs and digital cameras selling like hotcakes, it looks like anyone can be called a photographer. So, what sets apart a non-professional photographer from a mere camera owner?

I don’t get paid for taking photos. I don’t own a studio. I don’t have strobe lights. I only rely on my kit lens and a cheap tripod but I have invested so much time, money, sweat and tears learning it. A very good friend of mine dedicated his precious time teaching me what he had learned from his photography school. I also took a few courses myself. It took me months to reconcile with the three brats I call shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Until now, the four of us are still on a love-and-hate relationship. I studied the manual settings so I could lessen the use of post-process. I don’t take photos all the time but when I do I put my heart and soul into it. I don’t always produce great photos but that’s how I learn – through my mistakes. They say, it takes 10,000 photos for a photographer to be good. Believe me, there was a time that I actually took count of my photos out of my desperation to be a good one.
When you don’t have a name that sounds famous and you carry a DSLR and produce a pretty good photo out of your meager knowledge in using the manual settings or playing around the three brats or creating a good composition or mood or color, the best compliment you’ll ever receive is about how great your camera is. The next questions are pretty much predictable – What’s the model? How much? Some would even try to make you feel better by saying they hope they can afford it like you could.
What others lack I try to fill in myself in appreciation of other photographers – professional or not. I take time to study what was produced in a photo – composition, story, settings, or at times, intention. I don’t stop at just knowing what camera was used. I take time to know the person behind the lens.
I guess this sentiment is not only experienced by photography enthusiasts like myself but even the best of the best professional photographers. I guess some people will not truly understand the work that goes from the time you visualize everything in your mind, to the time your fingers start playing around the settings, to the moment you release the shutter at the same time as your heartbeat, to the photo produced and sometimes even to the post-processing.
If you are one of those who don't understand, I am letting you in now. My photography world is very small at the moment and may not be as beautiful as I want it to be. But my photography world is within an even bigger photography world. I am letting you in my world so you can get in in theirs as I have let myself in.
Let me share this anecdote I came across a long time ago but have not related to until I learned to press the shutter, here it is:

When Jack London had his portrait made by the noted San Francisco photographer Arnold Genthe, London began the encounter with effusive praise for the photographic art of his friend and fellow bohemian, Genthe. "you must have a wonderful camera...It must be the best camera in the world...You must show me your camera." Genthe then used his standard studio camera to make what has since become a classic picture of Jack London. When the sitting was finished, Genthe could not contain himself: "I have read your books, Jack, and I think they are important works of art. You must have a wonderful typewriter." - Anonymous

Funny but true...and sad.

So, the next time you see a photographer, remember this writing and the small world I let you in. It will allow you to enter the bigger world in no time.

Honoring all the PHOTOGRAPHERS in the world!
Thank you for freezing time in this fast-pace world.

16 January, 2011

Pinhole Reflections: One isn’t always the loneliest number

Taken Feb. 28, 2010 in Nicaragua, Central America
 Now the tax collectors and the “sinners” were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
(Luke 15:1-7)

He does not play favorites. His grace is just sufficient for one and all – never lacking anything, never too early and never too late for those who seek it. In fact, He knows what we need even before we ask Him (Matt. 6:8). We all got lost in one way or another at least once in our lives. He found us. If you think He hasn’t found you, think again and realize how many times He did. He will leave the ninety-nine to look for you and when He finds you He’ll joyfully put you on His shoulder and send you home where you truly belong – with Him.
He never gets tired of looking and finding. Let us always let ourselves be found. It is our choice to be found. It always has been.

14 January, 2011

My 10 in 7 : My 7-day Prayer and Fasting Experience

My Church holds an annual 7-day Prayer and Fasting. It was my first time to join but it was not my first time to fast. The last time I fasted was more than 10 years ago and I probably don’t even have a very clear understanding of why and how I was doing it then.

Photo from Victory Christian Fellowship Philippines.
A Guideline Manual was given. It includes a list of fasting options – water fast, liquid fast, one-meal-a-day fast and whatever you think you can faithfully commit to for 7 days. You have to consider your activities during the 7 days so you can decide on which option works best for you. Your option does not make you more or less of a Christian than others because it is your heart that matters to the Lord.
It was actually a scary thought. Can I even do it? Deny myself good food when a mere aroma can turn my taste buds crazy? I didn’t know if I can but I still tried. I knew I was going to be working in most of the fasting days so I prayed and picked an option I know I could commit to. I chose the ‘one-meal-a-day-with-water’ option. In addition to that, I also committed to doing two things that I have always wanted to do but have not been able to – lessen meat intake and drink water only (no colored liquid). I decided and committed myself to it. My “one-meal-a-day” is defined as either a sandwich OR small amount of rice and canned tuna OR 1 Skyflakes. Water survived my rest of the day.  It may sound easy compared to no eating or no drinking at all but it actually wasn’t.
All of a sudden the candies in my “sweets” jar looked so appealing. I could smell my neighbor's food. I could salivate over a picture of a burger in a manner of seconds. Tine’s Spam meal tested my determination; Phil’s chocolate bars are oh so tempting! And Bryce’s coffee on a sleepy Monday night before work smelled sooo… ah… good! It was so easy to give up. It was so easy to cheat and eat more when no one is looking but I chose not to. I didn’t want to bend. I pleaded for God to give me all the strength I need to make it because I couldn't make it on my own and never will I make it on my own.
I knew very well it was going to be hard so I helped myself a little bit. I turned off my refrigerator so I couldn’t store food and softdrinks (good thing I live on my own). I went on a pre-fast last trip to the supermarket to buy only the things I committed to eat for the whole 7 days – about 4 canned tuna, just less than enough rice and Skyflakes. I informed my closest friends about it and asked them to support me and they did. They don’t invite me to eat out or to eat with them anymore; although I could see it was hard for them to do. I stayed home most of the time. I only went out to go to work and to go to church for the Prayer Meetings. I attended Prayer Gatherings and Services because it gives me so much relief and comfort that I wasn’t the only one struggling and salivating over those billboard pictures. I lessened my time in Facebook and internet. The rest of the time I dedicated to meditating the Word, praying for my 10 faith goals and my friends’, listening to podcasts, working and writing this.
My body started to adjust a little well on my third day. I no longer crave for more. I still get hungry many times. I tell you, I could imagine myself being so lost in my senses with that Sunday Cone from a little boy in front of me in a jeepney on my way home. Ice cream has always been my comfort food and not being able to have that quick comfort when I need it the most made me turn to the One True source of Comfort. I’d close my eyes and say “God, I know you can make me do this.” My flesh has slowly learned to give in to the spirit and it’s all God’s grace.
The twist of the story doesn’t end there. What’s more funny is the closer I got to the last day the harder it suddenly became. I was so eager to finish the race that sometimes I lost focus of what I was doing. It could turn you a little crazy sometimes knowing that you are just a few notches away from your prize. There was a time that I lost count of the days which reminds me those instances in our lives when we ask God for something, pray hard, and work hard for it; then when we feel like He isn’t responding we’d lose hope and let go of the faith not knowing how close we truly are to the prize. We give up or, even worse, sell out.
With God's grace I finished the 7-day fasting I committed to. I got my benefits too – I lost a little weight, no meat intake for a week, no colored drinks for a week, saved money for a week and, boy!...did I gain a lifetime!
Why fast? More than praying for things to happen, it was an encounter with God. All of a sudden my lifestyle changed. I have finally finished the New Testament during the fasting which, given my Bible reading pace, I probably would have in 6 months. My eyes were opened to people other than myself. I began to see prayer requests in the hearts of others without them telling me. My prayer started to sound like an intimate conversation with God – like I was talking to a long-time friend. His words speak to me like no other. I have read the Bible a couple of times when I was younger but they speak new words every time I do. I began to appreciate food more than I used to. My taste buds have become surprisingly less discriminating. I appreciated the things that I have and realized that I don’t lack a thing. I was going through something personal at the moment but I was filled with peace – the kind that the world cannot give.
Why fast? Because to deny yourself of a pleasure in its simplest form (food) for a greater purpose is to see who God really is in His greatest splendor. When we draw near to Him, He will make Himself known.
With all that I gained from those 7 days, I will never be on the losing end even if God doesn’t answer my 10 faith goals. I am already a winner in every sense of the word.

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