31 October, 2011

Now Playing: How He Loves

How He Loves
David Crowder Band


(Verse 1)
He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful You are
And how great Your affections are for me

And O how He loves us
Oh, O how He loves us
How He loves us all

Yeah He loves us
O how He loves us
O how He loves us
O how He loves

(Verse 2)
We are His portion and He is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes
If His grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking
So Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way…

YouTube Here
Kim Walker version here.

24 October, 2011

Jailbreaking GENES SARIGUMBA as the Owner of “Sweet Bites and Pieces”

as the Owner of “Sweet Bites and Pieces”

Life is sweet and this woman will prove it to us. It took me a long time to convince her to allow me to 'jailbreak' her so I am thankful that she finally gave me a sweet 'yes'. Genes is more than just a pretty face. She is sweet, and "sweet" never fails to make anyone feel good. Let's have some bites and pieces of what GENES can offer us.

Q: I have called you a Pastry Chef, Pastry Specialist and you have always given me a shy smile. Why are you not comfortable being called as such? How do you call yourself or what you do?

A: Because I am not worthy to be called as one. I don't know, just simply 'baker', I guess.

Q: How did you learn how to bake? Did you go through a course? If yes, where at? If not, do you have plans of going through one?

A: I have no formal training. Everything was learned through books, internet and experience. The love for baking started, I guess, when i was 9 or 10 yo when I saw a chef demonstrate how to make a banana cake and a marble cake.

Genes in sweet action.
Q: I'm curious. Why pastry? Why not, say, culinary arts?

A: I like cooking too! Although baking is something I enjoy the most. Baking is like a science experiment, you should always get the exact measurement of the ingredients or else your finished product will fail.

Q: Aside from baking, you also work as a trainer in an outsourcing firm; I assume baking takes long hours because it requires attention to details. How do you manage your time?

A: I usually do it in batches. I research on the shelf life of each product. Since I don't use preservatives (to extend shelf life), I bake the cupcakes/cakes the day before the delivery.

Q:  I have witnessed you struggle in deciding what to name your cake business. What made you decide to name it 'Sweet Bites and Pieces'?

A: 'Sweet Bites and Pieces' was one of the choices, I ran out of patience for the name. I randomly pick the name and added 'Sweet' and ran to DTI to have it registered.

Q: What is your most favorite creation?

A: The plant vs. zombies cake. (you can see this on her site).

Q: What design would you like to get a chance to create?

A: 3-tiered wedding cake.

Q:  I am sure you have had mishaps while baking. What was the worst? How did you handle it?

A: I still can't perfect a smooth cover of fondant on my cakes. There was one time that I accidentally poke the fondant while smoothing it and it left a giant hole (tear) on it. Thanks to "art", I covered it with fondant cut out shapes.

Q: Do you have your own kitchen?

A: I don't. I'm using someone else's kitchen. Big thanks to them!

Q: Do you have a certain habit before, during or after baking? I know a friend who badly needs a bottle of beer after a cake masterpiece.

A: I don't know. Before baking I make sure I mis en place (Culinary French phrase defined as "everything in place")

Q: I have zero knowledge in baking. Can you give me tips on how to learn it? What terms should I be familiar with?

A: Learn how to follow a recipe. Slight changes in measurement, temperature and baking time can give difference to the quality of the product.

Q: How do you feel after seeing your finished masterpiece?

A: Delighted.

Q: Since you are new to this business, how do you decide on the pricing? 

A: Usually for cupcakes, it's 3x the cost of the ingredients. For cakes, I would call local businesses that make cakes and specialty cakes to get an idea of price ranges and then I decide on my price. I keep in mind too if the client is on a lower budget. Hopefully I'm not selling myself short yet. 

Q: Baking needs a lot of equipment and being young in the business, it may take you time to buy all of them. Do you have a "to-buy" list? What's next on your list?

A: I buy them little by little. From the profit I get, I spend it on tools. But right now I'm saving for a heavy duty mixer.

Q: How do you ensure your capital evolves and eventually returns to you as an investment?

A: I make sure that the money I get will be enough to replenish my stock and there is enough for the mixer I am saving for. I didn't invest a big sum of money to start business; it all started with, I think, P1000 only.

Q: What do yo want "Sweet Bites and Pieces" to be known for?

A: 3D and Specialty Cakes!


Genes also gives back by sharing a portion of what she earns to her charity club The Project Tenfold Circle. She is one of the Directors and is in charge of the Club's efforts to save the environment. 

Feed you eyes and sweet cravings with her masterpieces by checking her sites from Tumbler and Blogspot. For your orders, call 433-33-43 or 0927-924-88-91 (look for Genes) OR 0905-315-76-32 (look for Rizza). 

Related links are:

12 October, 2011

ICE: 2nd Animal in Solitude

ICE: 2nd Animal in Solitude


DATE TAKEN: 14th February 2010

MODE: Automatic (I apologize for the quality;this is not the original shot)

LOCATION: Mandaluyong City, Philippines

DETAILS: ICE is a feral who loves ERIC, my friend. We saw this cat crying from the roof of the house. We were talking about how to get it from the roof. To our surprise, it jumped off and was not able to move for a few seconds. My heart was shattered. After being able to stand and walk, like nothing happened, it followed Eric wherever he went until he left.

Let's not have more unwanted kittens. Let's spay and neuter our pets. Be responsible. If you can't be responsible, don't get one.

11 October, 2011

Problem vs Resolution

Megan: Nice hit! Alright, am glad to see you have a little bit of spark in you. I knew that Annie was in there somewhere. I think… I think you’re ready now to hear a little story about a girl; a girl named Megan. A girl named Megan who did not have a very good time in high school. … I’m referring to myself when I say Megan, it’s me Megan.

Annie: I know.

Megan: And I know you look at me and think ‘Boy, she must have breezed through high school!’ Not the case Annie.

Annie: No.

Megan: No! This (pointing to herself) was not easy going up and down the halls. Ok? They used to blow me up. They threw firecrackers at my head. Firecrackers! I mean, literally. I'm not saying that figuratively. I got firecrackers thrown at my head. They called me ‘a freak’. Do you think I let that break me? Do you think I went home  to my mommy crying, ‘I don’t have any friends. Megan does not have any friends’.? No I did not! You know what I did? I pulled myself up. I studied really hard. I read every book in the library. And now, I work for the government and I have the highest possible security clearance. Don’t repeat that!

Annie: I won’t.

Megan: I can’t protect you. I know where all the nukes are and I know the codes.

Annie: (shocked) I won’t tell anybody.

Megan: You would be amazed! a lot of shopping malls! Don’t repeat that!

Annie: I won’t.

Megan: I have six houses. I bought an 18-wheeler a couple of months ago just because I could. Ok, you lost Lillian and you got another bestfriend sitting in front of you if you’d notice Megan. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I do not associate with people who blame the world for their problems, coz’ you’re your problem, Annie; and you’re also your solution.

Annie is played by Kristen Wiig and Megan by Melissa McCarthy.

05 October, 2011

What Transcends Species

It was one of those days - a little bit exhausted from the pressures of deadlines at work and I was so eager to have my regular hearty breakfast with my very good friend. While everyone else was getting ready for work, we are just about to end our day. It has become our habit to eat breakfast and ask for a newspaper to read while waiting for our food. We'd browse thru the Entertainment page and make fun of our horoscope updates.

I looked at the front page of the newspaper and I was appalled by what I saw - the sorry state of the victims of the typhoon Pedring. The photo caption says The residents wade through floodwaters to get food and water in Paombong, Bulacan. With several areas in Central Luzon still inundated, the government has stepped up assistance and relief operations in affected communities. (The Philippine Star 10/05/11)
I feel for these victims and I pray that they get to put their lives back together fast after this; but aside from feeling bad for them, what caught my attention was the dog on the tree branch. (Please click the photo to get a better look). I was really hoping that it was just asleep and not dead. It broke my heart.
I'm sure not everyone will notice the dog in the photo. I know that in any rescue and relief operations, the priority is to save human lives. I would do the same if I ever get caught in that situation. However, this should not stop us from, at least, considering saving our animals. Humans depend on animals for food, livelihood, and, sometimes, companionship; how can we not consider saving these lives when situation calls for it? 

As we think of our own safety, let us not discount the lives of our pets. Keep them close to how we value our lives as much as we can. Prepare for disasters that may happen. Do not put your pets in cages during emergencies so they can, at least, have a chance to fight for their lives. Put a note on your doors stating how many pets are indoors. Train your cats/dogs to listen to your voice. Be mindful of emergency exits. Keep your pet bags/carriers within your sight near the emergency exits so it'll be easier for you to grab them after you save your family. Please include them in your emergency plans. They have LIVES! 

...And if that most painful situation between you and your pet happens, and you are forced to leave them behind or let go of them to save another human or yourself, you can say to yourself that you have done everything you can to save them. (Now, am crying.)

Our pets are not like our dispensable furniture that we can easily replace. Like us, they are capable of feeling fear, helplessness and terror when their lives are in danger. These feelings do not need to be translated into human language for us to feel and comprehend. We understand these emotions very well. Pain is pain and crying is crying. These sensations feel the same no matter who you are or what you are. Life is life and death is death and they both transcend species. These are the very same feelings and facts that make us more human, so let us not forget to be human. Human, in the real sense of the word.

04 October, 2011

Now Playing: More Than Anyone

Photo source here.

This song is for my kid.

"More Than Anyone"

You need a friend
I'll be around
Don't let this end
Before I see you again
What can I say to convince you
To change your mind of me?

I'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm gonna love you more than anyone

Look in my eyes, what do you see?
Not just the color
Look inside of me
Tell me all you need and I will try
I will try

I'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm going to love you more than anyone

Free for you, whenever you need
We'll be free together baby
Free together baby

I'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna hold you closer than before

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