12 June, 2014

Grateful to be Filipina

Today marks the 116th Independence Day of the Philippines. Let me take this chance to share with you my gratefulness.

I am grateful that I live in a country that allows me to express my opinion - to put it into writing and share for everyone to read and react to.

... that I live in a country that makes me sleep well at night and I don't have to worry about safety every single minute.

... that I live in a country that allows me to live on my own and still keep the family ties in tact. I am happy that our family values are strong and that we place importance to the elderly.

... that I live in a country that celebrates me as a woman - I get to work and be treated well. I get to lead but still get a seat offered to me occasionally or a door opened for me by men.

... that I get to choose what music to listen to, movies to watch, places to go.

... that even if I don't have everything I want, I have everything I need. I am grateful that I have the chance to help.

... that I live in a country where I can express my faith in God freely without having to go underground.

As I enjoy my freedom, I know that somewhere there are people who don't get the same priviledge and my thoughts and prayers are with them.

My country isn't perfect and we have a million things to work on. But I am grateful where we are heading and proud of who we are.

Happy Independence Day, Philippines! You will see some better days!

I first posted this entry here.

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