14 February, 2011

Up in the Sky

Taken 12 Feb. 2011
Seaside MOA @ the Pyromusical Competition
The view of the sky has always fascinated me. I have a feeling it goes back to my childhood. My mother’s aunt has this garden that she keeps where my brothers and cousins used to play. It has a great view of the sky. I would go there every day after school and play and lie on a folding bed when tired. I found comfort. I’d imagine images from the clouds – dogs, cats, flowers, faces.
It didn't change with age. It just got better.
The other day, Mandaluyong City celebrated its Foundation and Cityhood Day. Every year, the local government holds a parade that involves nearly half of the city (no kidding!). I have attended this parade from first grade to senior high as a school requirement and when I was a public school teacher. This year, I got to watch the parade from an elevated place. The parade took almost two hours with the thousands of people who participated. Given my view of the parade, I noticed that out of the multitude of people who joined only a few turned their glance up and saw me. Don’t get me wrong! I am certainly not after some attention. It just occurred to me how busy people can be with what’s going on that we fail to look up and see what else is in store for us.
The most decent my camera phone can give me.
When I heard about the Pyromusical Competition happening in Mall of Asia I became so eager to see it and I did. More than the beauty of pyrotechnics, I was after seeing how a multitude can look up and be amazed. I was not disappointed. And to see them enjoy the beauty of the sunset prior to the pyromusical was an added enjoyment.
Life can be crazy. It can eat us in some ways. But as life gets busy and noises get louder and people move faster; I hope we don’t forget to look up, see Him in His splendor and be grateful all the time.

When was the last time you looked UP?


  1. O My...I just wanna share with you that I often tell Daddy God that His sky is one of my favorite creations He made..really! Haha. especially the star-filled night sky. :)


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