18 February, 2013

Attraversiamo 2013: 1st Leg - Destination Bolinao, Pangasinan

Let me come to terms. This is not my trip. This is the team building activity of one the teams in my company. I just happen to be friends with two who are part of the getaway. I was invited. I always find it hard to say NO to any type of travel.

The Team is led by their Coach, Yvette. They were so gracious to give me a good seat on our way to and from the location. We went to Bolinao, Pangasinan and enjoyed this white and fine sands in Patar.

Photo from Deck Garcia.

Photo from Yvette Llanes with her team.
The package they got didn't just cover the accommodation but also a full tummy experience all throughout our stay.

Photo from Yvette Llanes.

We paid a visit to the Cape Bolinao Lighthouse and got ourselves a photo with it. Sadly, the lighthouse was closed and was not well maintained. It would have been nice to go up and get a panoramic view of the vast plantation.

Photo from Yvette Llanes.
The highlight of this trip, to me, was the visit to the Enchanted Cave

Photo from Yvette Llanes.
I was in awe when I got there and realized that I was actually looking at a body of water. The water is so clear that from afar, and with not enough light, the cave looked empty; as if it was just a pile of rocks. I walked up and down the stairs deciding to get a dip or not and the only reason the 'not' was an option is because I don't know how to swim and am not sure how deep it is.

Here's a better photo I saw from a Pangasinan website. 

Photo source here.
I gave in and I am so glad I did. The water is so cold and clear, and smells clean. This is going straight to my list of favorite of places.

Photo from Angelo Reotutar.
More than the sights we feasted our eyes on, and the food we indulged ourselves in, it was nice to be a part of this team who took time to stop and smell the air. There was never a dull moment with each of them. They knew what fun was and they enjoyed every minute of it.

Photo from Yvette Llanes.
From someone who isn't really part of the team, it was nice to watch them from a good distance. They exchanged funny stories, which I bet isn't new at all. They reminisced work bloopers, talked about serious work jazz over a bunch of green mangoes and bagoong beside the beach while resting and, boy!, they had fun! WE had fun!

They made a choice to be happy around each other in this important event and happy people are always a sight to see. 

Thank you, Team Yvette, for having me. 

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