12 February, 2012

7: Sad yet Hopeful

Sad yet Hopeful
Lisa’s Store
Tarlac, PH
February 12, 2012
Project: Food & Thoughts No. 7

Food Trip # 7 – Sad yet Hopeful.

This entry will probably give a whole new different meaning to this segment. This food trip wasn’t the usual. It was not in a restaurant or a famous eating place. It was random, unplanned and both sad and hopeful. This is one of those events in your life that you'd rather wish didn’t happen, but it did, so you just find the silver lining hidden somewhere.

Lisa’s Store is the usual Sari-sari Store (Filipino stores that sell variety of items from food, toiletries etc found in the neighborhood usually located in the owner’s house) in front of Ramos General Hospital in Tarlac. I had to rush and get on a 2-3 hour drive to see a very good friend of mine to help her go through what could be the toughest and lowest point in her life.

Thel’s parents got into a vehicular accident and had to be rushed to the hospital. Her dad was badly bruised and had to go thru a minor surgery. Her mom suffered from a lot more serious wounds and hemorrhage. They thought she’d get better really fast that Saturday morning but at around 12 noon, I got a very concerning text message from Thel saying she needed to see me. Her mom was declared clinically dead. (See Wikipedia’s definition for more details here.)

Thel loves and supports her family. She is a very strong woman but I know, just like any of us, she needed help too. I have been into a similar situation in the past. Our house was burned down and lost almost everything we worked hard for. I tried so hard to be very strong for my younger brothers and my parents. I looked perfectly fine and would even talk about fun things after the tragedy. But when my classmates visited me and one of them asked me to crash at their place so I can change my clothes and freshen up, I broke down and cried the whole night. 

I thought this could exactly be what Thel was going through at that moment she texted me. You know you are about to break down but you can’t because you have to be strong for the people around you. I knew, without batting an eyelash, she needed someone to share her real feelings with so she can heal faster. I immediately went to see her and decided to just sleep on my way. Upon seeing her, I gave her a tight hug. I knew I made a right decision to see her. I was having second thoughts because I wanted to also help her financially. The fare that I will use to go see her can add up to the money I will wire to her. But sometimes, friends need more than our money. They need us, our presence.

I invited her to eat first, worried that she might not have eaten yet. And I was right. Then, she broke down and asked me questions that I could not answer for her. It was painful not to be able to find words to comfort someone important to you.

After she has regained the strength that she needed, we went to the hospital so I can meet her family. I have always wanted to meet them and has bugged Thel about it. I got to talk to her dad who was not able to stop himself from shedding a tear while painfully relaying the story to me. I also saw how his eyes lit up when he started talking about how he met his wife and how he pursued her. Thel's brothers and sister were there too. They took turns looking after Mom in ICU. 

Thel and I got in and talked to Mom. She introduced me to her. I held her hand. It was a pleasure to meet her. I just wished we could have met in another way where she can shake my hand back. I tried to stop my tears while hearing the good words Thel said about me. It gave good and bad feelings – pride and happiness, and the feeling of urgency and regret, as if time is running out or as if it was too late. I hated the last feeling. We told her many stories and the fun things we do at work hoping against hope that she can, at least, hear us.

Time passed by. We took turns sleeping on the waiting area, looking after Mom and viewing her from the glass wall. I knew Thel was already tired and has not eaten well. She only took a sip of the soup I asked her to eat when I arrived. So I invited her to eat breakfast. I told her she needs to look great when Mom wakes up. 

The canteen was already closed at 1AM so we went to the nearest place we can grab some grub. We found Lisa’s Store across the street and ordered cup noodles and an old favorite bread we call ube (if you are within my age bracket, am sure you are familiar with this bread).

Unlike other food trips, this one was sad yet... hopeful. Thel started wondering how devastating life can be without her mom. I would try to console her with my words but deep in my heart I knew my words were never enough. 

Despite the hurt and pain we were feeling, we were amazed by God’s sufficient grace. There was unexplainable peace flowing in our hearts - the kind that the world or any consoling words could never give. It was over this food trip that we had somehow surrendered to the will of God. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
                                                - Romans 8:28 

It was also in this food trip that I discovered a greater hunger in me. It's a hunger that cannot be satisfied by food alone. It's a hunger that can only be filled by God, my family and my friends.

 _ E  N  D  _

Written February 12, 2012, 10:15AM

On February 13th 02:13 PM, I received a text message from Thel stating that her mom has gone home to her Father. 

My deepest condolences and prayers of peace and strength go out to her and her family.Thank you THEL for allowing me to post this. Thank you for the friendship and the family you just shared with me.

1 comment:

  1. thel be strong and its just we don't know what Gods plan so be always strong you can do it


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