25 May, 2012


Not mine.
Today, I made a big move in my blogging journey. I changed the layout and template of my blog. And yeah, it was a big move for me.

My very good friend and blog buddy, Bryce Kiguchi gave me a very nice gift – my own domain. Who gets a friend like that? Not everyone. 

I felt like it is also the perfect time to redesign it. I love my original layout and template. It speaks so much of who I am. The colors you saw there are exactly the same ones you will see on my personal belongings and in my house - red and black. 

If you have read the story of my blog from About, you will probably understand why a change is due. Uninvited Thoughts was an influence of my teenage life. Now that I am obviously older and I already have readers that are outside my circle of friends (Yey!), I just thought that maybe it's time to raise the bar a little higher. What does that have to do with the layout? It is the first step

By raising the bar, I meant putting more sense of responsibility to my blogging than I already am. My original target was just to influence one person. If it will, in any way, influence more than what I aimed for, then moving a step higher is definitely worth it!

Aside from this layout change, I have also recently made another new move - to write about a current event. I was once a part of a Journalism Club in school. I quit because I can't seem to find a liking to write about a current topic. I always feel the need to want to write before I can. I wanted to go for Feature writing but even that called for one's nosiness over what's trending. My entries about Jessica and Phillip of AI are my attempts to try to respond to hot topics. Maybe soon, I'd write about politics too. Or maybe not.

This change was not easy. Some readers may not like it and the possibility of my 5 readers to  double may become more elusive this time. Ha! I may, one day, realize it was a bad move. But whatever the odds, it was a risk I am willing to take. Going out of one's comfort zone can be downright scary and knowing that some things can't be undone once done makes it worse. These are the risks we take in new beginnings.

I plan to do a lot of moving in the next 12 months. I'd blab about them as I move. I am fervently seeking God's will for each of those moves. 

As I embrace this blogging risk and everything that goes along with it, I want you to know I am at peace with it. Give me some time to make all links/fonts/colors work. The design and layout doesn't work in some PCs for now, I heard. Please be patient. 

As I welcome you to my new domain and layout, I want to sincerely thank my good friend, Bryce who I will tag along in one food trip soon and feature here. 

I also want to say goodbye to my old blog layout.

Gloria al Dios!

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